Saturday 12 January 2008

Sr. Paula's attendance Plan to SJCS Reunion

Dear SJCS Members

Regret to inform you that Sr Paula's Attendance Plan to our SJCS Zanzibar Reunion to be held in Goa 2008 has now been cancelled following Kenya Political Crisis.

See Johnny Coutinho's posting below.

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Subject: RE: Sr. Paula

Date: 12/01/2008 17:50:53 GMT Standard Time

Dear Sr Mary Paul

Thank you for your mail and good wishes.

I am in total agreement with your view as regards the potential risk to Sr Paula.

I had been on our annual holiday in Tanzania when the atrocities erupted in Kenya, and was aware via the media as well as my contact in Nairobi of the grave and wreckless violence.

Just before my return to the UK I liased with my fellow committee members in London and advised them that it would be far too risky for Sr Paula to travel for the time being, given the precarious political circumstances which, I am reliably informed, remain unsettled to date.

I have also spoken with Sr Hildergardis who agreed with me and thought it wise to abandon the plan for Sr Paula's attendance at the Re-Union.

Consequently we will, no doubt, miss Sr Paula dearly at the Re-Union; but I am sure the SJCS alumni will understand and keep you all in our thoughts and prayers.

On behalf of the committee I thank you nevertheless for taking the time to obtain sanction from Rome, and indeed for your own consent in the first instance.

We pray that God be with you All and may He calm the tension in the minds of the people and its leaders for a swift return to peace.

I am copying this mail to my fellow committee members for their information;
I trust you do not mind.

Yours sincerely

John Coutinho

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From: wamatu mary []
Sent: 10 January 2008 18:57To:
Subject: Sr. Paula

Dear Mr. Coutinho,

Greetings from Nairobi. I hope you had a good Christmas and that the New Year will bring you many blessings.

I am writing to let you know that I think that it is not quite safe for Sr. Paula to travel to India due to the present political crisis in Kenya.

I am sorry about it and It is my prayer that all the old students will understand.

Wishing you God's Blessings,

Sr. Mary Paul Wamatu


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